Day Trip – Espiritu Santo Island and Isla la Partida

May 18, 2009 by  
Filed under Activities

 Tectonics At Work on Espiritu SantoAbout 1.5 hours from Todos Santos, daily pangas leave for Espiritu Santo. The island is a must see, located almost directly in front of the city of La Paz. Its entire area has been designated as National Park, therefore no one lives on the island aside for a small group of fishermen. A tour of the island (from approximately 10 am to 4 pm) will take you around the entire perimeter (including Isla la Partida) giving you the opportunity to discover the small hidden gems of beaches with emerald and sapphire waters and enjoy the rich marine life that surrounds the island.  Waterskiing and snorkeling available. Don’t miss swimming with the seals when you visit their colony and don’t be surprised when one looks directly into your mask. Lunch is usually included and served on one of the many beautiful beaches.  Wear sunscreen!

We feel Azul Tours provides one of the best services. To reserve your panga call 612-125-2596 or visit

To get there, take Hwy 19 Northwhich will merge into Hwy 1 North to La Paz (bear left at the intersection). Shortly after passing the bridge over the large arroyo make a right towards Pichilingue. Go straight at the stop sign for about 15 minutes. At the T on the road as you reach the Sea of Cortez make a right (try to remember a landmark here as you come back this way there are no signs at this intersection). Follow the coast to the end of the road where a crowded beach with bar and restaurant is located. This is Playa El Tecolote where the pangas depart.

Optional — on your way back stop at Playa de La Balandra if you have the time. Leave your car in the parking area and walk to the beach follow the coast to the right (with high tide you may have to get your feet wet, but it will be worth it). The beach is phenomenal and you’ll be able to see the famous mushroom rock here (El Hongo).

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Welcome to the website for CalyCanto, offering Todos Santos vacation rentals and information about the area. We operate a boutique community, currently consisting of 3 casitas in Todos Santos, each with ocean views, about 2.5 miles from the town center, on the way La Pastura, a world class surf break. We at CalyCanto are passionate about eco-friendly travel that provides us with succulent surfing, pristine beach combing, intimate restaurants, exotic bird watching, super special sunsets, horseback riding on the beach, local tours and activities that support the local community. We believe in causing the least harm (approaching zero) while doing business. Environmentalism, sustainability and a commitment to protecting the natural environment through activism are part of our mission as we work to continually reduce our carbon footprint. We hope you'll follow our adventure here, on Twitter and on Facebook while you enjoy your coffee (or tea) or drink a Pacifico (if you've already made it here). If the tequila gets passed around the table too much, gringos might try and spell CalyCanto like calicanto, calecanto, or cal y canto. However you spell it, you are always welcome at Calycanto Casitas. Thank you for visiting.