Volunteer in Todos Santos – Save Endangered Sea Turtles

June 21, 2009 by  
Filed under Activities

Leatherback Release

Giving the Turtles Wings

Proyecto Todos Tortuguero has been operating since 2005 with a goal to protect the endangered sea turtles nesting on the shores of the Eastern Pacific Ocean.  The project participants conduct nightly egg rescue patrols during which it is possible to encounter adult leatherback turtles that can reach 10 feet in length and weigh up to 2,000 pounds. The group manages a hatchery (invernedero) where turtle eggs are buried a meter under the ground and the hatchlings will emerge approximately 70 days later. This is necessary to protect the eggs from poachers and low temperatures. The group also educates school children on environmental conservation. Volunteers are needed to run nightly patrols on ATV’s, help identify nesting females and monitor temperatures in the invernadero October-April.  Once nests begin hatching, further supervision of the invernadero is needed from mid-December until May. The project is currently recruiting volunteers for the 2009-2010 nesting season http://www.todostortugueros.org/.

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Welcome to the website for CalyCanto, offering Todos Santos vacation rentals and information about the area. We operate a boutique community, currently consisting of 3 casitas in Todos Santos, each with ocean views, about 2.5 miles from the town center, on the way La Pastura, a world class surf break. We at CalyCanto are passionate about eco-friendly travel that provides us with succulent surfing, pristine beach combing, intimate restaurants, exotic bird watching, super special sunsets, horseback riding on the beach, local tours and activities that support the local community. We believe in causing the least harm (approaching zero) while doing business. Environmentalism, sustainability and a commitment to protecting the natural environment through activism are part of our mission as we work to continually reduce our carbon footprint. We hope you'll follow our adventure here, on Twitter and on Facebook while you enjoy your coffee (or tea) or drink a Pacifico (if you've already made it here). If the tequila gets passed around the table too much, gringos might try and spell CalyCanto like calicanto, calecanto, or cal y canto. However you spell it, you are always welcome at Calycanto Casitas. Thank you for visiting.